
Requests are rate limited to 600 requests per minute.

When you request the API you will receive the following headers in the response:

  • Rate-Limit: What’s the rate limit available to you. The default is 600.

  • Rate-Limit-Remaining: How many requests are available to you. This will be 600 minus all the requests you have done.

  • Rate-Limit-Over: How many requests over your quota you have made.

  • Rate-Limit-Reset: The UTC date and time of when your quota will be reset.

You can see how much of your quota has been used by checking these headers.


Rate-Limit: 600
Rate-Limit-Remaining: 354
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1453180594367

If you exceed the number of valid requests, you will receive the error "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS". Its rate limit will be reset after a minute interval. Your implementation should expect and be able to handle this by waiting a minute before making additional requests.

    "error": {
        "code": "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS",
        "message": "Too many requests."

If the rate limit is too low for your application, please contact our support team (

Last updated

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