Font (Kitab)


Kitab, based on Scheherazade, is an Arabic font with a design based on traditional typefaces such as Monotype Naskh, extended to cover the full Unicode Arabic repertoire.


  • Increased the base font size.

  • Decreased the base line height.

  • Added the Basmalah (U+FDFD), ﷺ, and ﷻ characters from Amiri.

  • Replaced the angle quotes and ayah quotes with Amiri's (i.e., «» and ﴿﴾).

  • Replaced U+06E0 (small high upright rectangular zero) with Amiri's.

  • Added laam hamzah alif ligature (i.e., لا but with a hamzah in the middle).

    This is needed for Quranic orthography (e.g. الـٔاخرة).

    Currently there is no pure Unicode solution for this

  • The width of ۩ (U+06E9) was increased.

  • A slight curve was added to U+0670 (Small alif).

The follow glyphs were enlarged:

  • U+06E4 (Small high maddah)

  • U+06DB (Small high 3 dots)

  • U+06D8 (Small high meem initial form)

  • U+06E5 (Small waaw)

The following glyphs were made to be lower on "the line" when in a word.

  • U+0654 (Hamzah above) (أَنۢبِـُٔونِی)

  • U+06E7 (Small high yaa) (ٱلنَّبِیِّـۧنَ)

  • U+06E4 (madd) when on top of U+06E6 (small yaa) (یَسۡتَحۡیِۦۤ)

The following honorifics were added (note: these honorifics are set to be included in Unicode 14)

  • U+FDFE (سبحانه وتعالى)

  • U+FDFF (عز وجل)

  • U+FD40 (رحمه الله)

  • U+FD41 (رضي الله عنه)

  • U+FD42 (رضي الله عنها)

  • U+FD43 (رضي الله عنهم)

  • U+FD44 (رضي الله عنهما)

  • U+FD45 (رضي الله عنهن)

  • U+FD47 (عليه السلام)

  • U+FD4D (عليها السلام)

  • U+FD48 (عليهم السلام)

  • U+FD49 (عليهما السلام)


This font software is free to use, modify, and redistribute according to the terms of the SIL Open Font License.

The font is available here, for any mistakes or problems please report in the issues .

Last updated