Code examples

Here are provided some examples of files parsing code for the most common usecases

Get translations in <surah, ayah [, word], text> format

The most common way to use a translation is to get it in csv-like format, i.e. like <surah, ayah, text> (or <surah, ayah, word, text> for word-by-word translations) format. To do so, one can easily read a JSON translation file:

import json

# Read the json translation-file
with open(path_to_json_file, "r") as translation_file:
    translation = json.load(translation_file)

# Loop over surahs-ayahs-words
for surah in translation["content"]["surahs"]:
    for ayah in surah["ayahs"]:
        print(surah["number"], ayah["number"], ayah["text"]) # Put your code here
        # For a word-by-word translation add one more loop:
        #for word in ayah["words"]:
        #    print(surah["number"], ayah["number"], word["number"], word["text"])

You can do the same, using XML formatting.

JavaScript is an exception since one of the most popular ways to read xml in node.js is transforming xml to json. So, for JavaScript users, it is recommended to stick with json format.

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

# Read the XML translation-file
translation = ET.parse(path_to_xml_file).getroot()

# Loop over surahs-ayahs-words
for surah in translation.findall("content/surahs/surah"):
    for ayah in surah.findall("ayahs/ayah"):
        print(surah.attrib["number"], ayah.attrib["number"], ayah.text) # Put your code here
        # For a word-by-word translation add one more loop:
        #for word in ayah.findall("words/word"):
        #    print(surah.attrib["number"], ayah.attrib["number"], word.attrib["number"], word.text)

Get meta information

Here are some examples how one can read meta-data from the files

# Choose the language: en - for English, and native - for native
language = "en"

# Get the name of the translation

# Get authors names
[author["name"][language] for author in translation_json["meta"]["authors"]]
[name.text for name in translation_xml.findall(f"meta/authors/author/name/{language}")]

# Get surah names. Change `names` to `nameTrnaliterated` for transliterated names
[surah["name"] for surah in translation_json["content"]["surahs"]]
[name.text for name in translation_xml.findall("content/surahs/surah/name")]

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